Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I got my bloodwork back. My good cholesterol is a lil bit low, and my bad is a lil bit high. All in all I think it's not too bad for someone who has sit on his ass for between 8 to 20 hrs a day, 5 to 7 days a week, for the past six years.


I tried out our old camera again, the macro on it is soooo much better than our new one. I can't believe how close I got to this lil spider!


We had a HUGE windstorm today. I thought our birch was going to be ripped in half!


Yeah, I kinda almost forgot to take a picture today. It's a good thing I decided to play with the waterproof camera.


We did see a black bear though. Okay, we almost hit a black bear


Robin really wanted to see a Grizzly. This is the closest she got to seeing a real live one.


I can not believe how many animals we saw in Jasper compared to what we usually see in Banff.


We stopped many times on our way to Jasper. These falls were just on the side of the road on HWY 93.


No more pee spots!


My folks came today! After we picked them up at the airport we went to the Calgary Zoo. Out of all the animals we saw I loved this pig the best! He/She'd make a great cartoon character!


Had blood work done. First time too, and I gotta admit, it wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be


Robin wanted to put up some of my photos in the house! Robin's sister and brother in law did the same last year. And now my folks, and Robins brother are doing the same!
Low self confidence always told me they weren't good enough to put up on a wall. I showed him!


I saw this Xmas tree in the woods when I was walking the dog. I loved the orange against the green.


There are a ton of beautiful wildflowers in AB. This one's a Western Wood Lily.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Spent the whole day putting new hardware on the cupboards. I didn't think it would take as long as it did. Now to get rid of the purple countertops.


Saw this in the woods while taking Hali for a walk. Tried to find out what it was online, but can't seem to find it. Anyone?


Holy crap! So I've seen a few hurricanes back in Halifax, and now I've seen a real live tornado. Now all I need is an earthquake and a volcanic eruption and I get a free hailstorm!


Hali got a little skin infection and had to take a few pills for a while. Cleared
up no problems.


Hali loves leftovers.


Nothing special today. just my mini accordion "Black Widow." I can play the main riff of Smoke on the Water on it. That's it.